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It’s impressive that you adapted the sims core logic in such a period of time. That’s something will serve as a backbone to a lot of projects

Consider improving the flow of the user experience. There aren’t a ton of visual feedback for player actions and it’s hard to tell if clicking around is actually doing anything. Creating a help menu to explain the controls is a bare minimum and a cop out, but it’s better than nothing. If done correctly, a game’s UX will allow the player to teach themselves about the game, which is the best way to get people to continue pressing buttons.

If you choose to revisit this concept, expand on the user interface to make it more reactive.

Good work! This is a huge breakthrough

This game is really fun. Seeing the dinosaurs roaming around and interacting was very cool. The different tabs with the relationships, needs and status was really great. I think the dinosaur movement is very smooth. The day/night cycle is cool. I wasn't really sure what I was doing at the beginning. Knowing now that I have to right click to move the dinosaurs the experience is much better. the wooded area for the bathroom is genius. I can wait to try to max out the relationships the next time I play. Good work.