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I had fun with this game. Though I was unable to get big enough to swallow one of the cars which was my goal. I'm not sure if there was a way to extend time or use coins to level up before time ran out. I just tried several times to get the hole big enough to swallow a car. 

I enjoyed the sound effects. I was playing with a mouse and it moved pretty well. Maybe different sound effects for the different types of items you suck up would be cool. Like glass sound for the bottles and some type of rubber popping sound for the cones. That may engage the player more. Also maybe some type of goal at the beginning like "swallow two cars." 

I want to get to the point of easily carrying over the loading screens and menus. Good work with that. 

(1 edit)

The game runs well! is a knock off of Donut County. Which means this is a knockoff of a knockoff.

The problem with this is it isn't better than Donut County OR, it's actually worse. If you are going to copy something, you have to add something new to it, or evolve the design enough to be competitive. As it stands now, it doesn't have a place anywhere but the trash can.

From a design perspective, the levels don't have any logical composition, it's just a bunch of objects thrown about. If you study Katamari, there is a puzzle element where you have to roll into things in a certain order to progress. That type of level design allowed for flow and directed the player towards the critical path in the level design. Dynamicism makes for a better user experience and in this project, it was a missed opportunity.

If your goal is to make a unique product that will perform on the market, this is an example of exactly what not to do. This criticism is leveled towards the conversation we had about your business. Challenge yourself to think more critically about your designs. If you want to be competitive in the market, you have to be competitive yourself.